
Showing posts from March, 2021


            NEW ERA MOVEMENT    UGANDA Email:, Twitter: @NewEraUg Righting the wrongs, commencing the construction of a New desired Uganda. A REVOLUTIONARY IDEOLOGICAL MOVEMENT Core objectives and areas of interest Education Reforms.  Africanisation.  Economic Impact. Political mentorship. Human Rights. BRIEF INTRODUCTION: The New Era is a revolutionary ideological movement based in Uganda with a mission to spread its ideas throughout the continent. It basically centers itself on the desire to have a complete change for the better of our nation and continent at large. Analysis has been made as to why we are still lagging behind despite our wealth of resources, why the conditions of living of Ugandans are still low even when we are naturally endowed with resources and knowledge to improve ourselves for the better. Discoveries have there fore shown that we are in this state because of many things inclusive but not limit...