Email:, Twitter: @NewEraUg
Righting the wrongs, commencing the construction of a New desired Uganda.
Core objectives and areas of interest
Education Reforms. Africanisation. Economic Impact. Political mentorship. Human Rights.
The New Era is a revolutionary ideological movement based in Uganda with a mission to spread its ideas throughout the continent. It basically centers itself on the desire to have a complete change for the better of our nation and continent at large.
Analysis has been made as to why we are still lagging behind despite our wealth of resources, why the conditions of living of Ugandans are still low even when we are naturally endowed with resources and knowledge to improve ourselves for the better. Discoveries have there fore shown that we are in this state because of many things inclusive but not limited to; the archaic education system that needs complete reform, the government policy (maladministration), and the general mindset of the population.
The architects of the New Era have therefore resolved not only to address the problems but also the problem causers. With limitedness of power but in abundance of ideas, the NEW ERA architects do believe that every one can do better in their capacity to help this nation to grow to the better.
The chief determinant here has been identified as the people's love and commitment towards one's nation, for it shall be the driving force of this ideological revolution, which the architects of the New Era believe shall impact on the next generations and shall have a binding effect. It all centers on the individual role towards the nation, what one can do that can help the nation to be better.
The New Era acknowledges all the people who are in a move to address these national challenges using different means ranging from political, amongst other forms. For those that are in for these revolutionary ideas are our brethren.
The education system of Uganda has over the time proved to be ineffective and inefficient in the now rapidly changing world. It has created less of problem solvers than problem causers. Our research shows that our education system trains learners to keep borrowing knowledge from the past experiences of foreigners, and what they formulated. It hardly encourages creativity of our own ideas, but keeps on promoting things we know nothing about, most of which we have failed to prove.
Interestingly we are being fed on the education system which our former colonial masters have had initiated to let our forefathers become a market source for their products. Attempts have been made in vain to change
some aspects of it, but the implementors have lacked commitment to the cause. For the over 20 years one has to spend in school before attaining a bachelors degree, one is taught to master the ideas of his predecessors, real practical work in that particular field is less than a year of those 20, and the person is taught at most times to cram the material and pass exams to the next academic level.
The defects of the education sector are so many that they can not be digested easily into this document, but our research support document has it that the education we have here has failed to address our challenges, later on to help us in a development take off path.
It is therefore in the view of the architects of the New Era to have an education system that can provide, and equip learners with the following;
1. Measures on how to address the employment challenges by teaching more of job creation than job seeking.
2. Vocationalisation of education to provide for more practical skilling and theory equipment
3. Africanization of education to suit the demands of the African continent in our context so as to address the Ugandan Challenges.
4. Creating a sense of African awareness and identification as Africans in a highly developing world, where Africanism is threatened to extinction.
5. Encouraging research, creativity, innovations and inventions for self sustenance, and technological development.
6. Glooming a new generation of leaders that will be more nation-centered and nationalistic.
African economies have miserably failed, not because they lack resources but because the people that run these economies are ideologically bankrupt.
Because of this, the economies have largely depended on foreign donations and loans which never address the areas of concern that these funds are supposed to address, are characterized by limited growth, inadequacy in social service delivery, poor investment climate to the natives (as investment incentives mostly favour the foreigners) and a general state of abuse and misuse of office. It is however also important to note that the role towards economic development is not only played by those in power, but also the common citizens.
The economy centers around some aspects ranging from agriculture, through industry and the choice of the economic policy. The New Era therefore would like to address itself into these areas;
1. Agricultural improvement through intense modernization and mechanization, with the technical staff engaging more in the field than peasants. This comes with added diversification of the market.
> Reduction on the dependence on Natural factors like rain and other seasons. Instead utilise cheaper irrigation methods to allow farm activities throughout the year. This comes also with use of fertilizers and other farm inputs.
> Eliminating the subsistence nature of agriculture to cater for intense commercial farming with modernity to encourage full utilization of resources, and reduce underemployment and general unemployment amongst the population.
> Equipping the rural population with modern faming methods as well as knowledge about agriculture mechanisation.
>Encouraging specialization amongst the small scale farmers to realize a maximum potential through full concentration of resources and time for particular projects.This also increases research, experience and labour efficiency to boost the quality and quantity of produce.
>. Agro-processing industries to process and pack the agricultural produce into finished products for use which promotes intense value addition.
> Ensuring the full operation of Marketing boards to pack, brand and market these products. Encouraging cooperatives to look for market and obtain a strong bargaining influence on the world market.
2. Industry. Where as the economy is basically agricultural based, there is a large potential for industry and we are tackling the start up part of it. New policies notably import substitution and export promotion industries shall be pursued at full capacity with the training of labour and entrepreneurship.
> Ugandanisation of the industrial sector to ensure that Ugandans directly benefit from these industries. Agreements for investment in Uganda should be guaranteeing employment for Ugandans at a higher percentage.
Prices of commodities from these industries must also be favorable to Ugandans,unlike the current trend.
> Provision of starter loans and grants to Ugandans who wish to start up production industries.
> Increasing the incentives to Ugandans who wish to start up different manufacturing and production industries as well as giving any other relevant support.
> Facilitating research and creativity, innovations and inventions and setting up a National Research and Inventions Center which shall have departments in the fields of Agriculture, Health, Computer, Technology, Automobiles, amongst others.
> Encouraging small scale innovations and inventories to improve what is in existence, and to create what has not been there before.
3. Resource utilization in Uganda and Africa for that matter is still low and slow, moreover coupled with unfairness alongside bureaucratic procedures, something that has failed our economies.
4. Questions of taxation and revenue collection shall also be answered in consideration of the common Ugandan, and the general economy.
Since time immemorial in Uganda's history, human rights have always been abused and the ordinary Ugandan has never been able to realize their full rights.
The Constitution of Uganda lists and highlights the respect for fundamental human rights, and so have various previous constitutions. On the other hand, successive governments and their agencies have grossly abused these rights and freedoms of humanity.
In other cases, the limited capacity of Ugandans has deprived them of their human rights without question. That is to say that somw of their rights can not be realized. When there is gross abuse of the human rights, these ordinary Ugandans are not able to go to court to successfully challenge it, court expenses are higher in comparison to their income. If anything, somw are not even cognizant of their rights.
The New Era therefore aims at educating everyone their rights, helping those whose rights are threatened to access justice where need be, and carry out massive lobbying for laws to protect humanity.
The New Era architects are cognizant of the fact that human rights do not only stop at the fundamental human rights which can be violated by fellow man or the state, we acknowledge the fact that human rights can be barred by nature. This is inclusive freedom from hunger, the right to medical care, the right to education all which can not be granted by the state due to insufficient resources. The New Era's mission is to ensure capacity building in agriculture to make sure that there is enough food for everyone so as to have zero hunger, concentrate efforts in slum areas and villages on boosting sanitation matters, carrying out medical training camps and outreaches to educate communities on basic health tactics, and financial capacity construction through community based projects to ensure financial growth. Same applies to all other rights that may require the same approach.
The New Era acknowledges that there is in existence a state of leadership deficiency. Why we termed it this way is that the state of leadership that is unpleasant, undesirable and unconstructive. This combined gives us an obligation to provide a formidable answer to the leadership question. And in so doing, we are duty bound to groom a new generation of leaders who will stand to the values of the New Era, and uphold a desirable leadership code of conduct, and where need be, we ourselves shall engage in state leadership and take up leadership positions.
Urban planning and housing should be twisted to address problems of slum areas including construction of low cost flats for the slum dwellers.
Reducing the number of idlers in Cities by offering them alternatives in agriculture and other fields.
Addressing the land tenure question both in Cities and in villages.
Addressing the challenges to do with social service delivery, with prioritization of some sectors faithfully.
Ensuring existence of functioning institutions to address the problem of corruption, embezzlement and abuse of office, and as well strengthening the existing institutions like the IGG.
Secretary General
Director of Operations
Spokesperson and Public Relations
Secretary for Finance Planning
One nominee made by the Secretary General with approval of the other members
Port Folios for Secretaries.
Public Health
Science & technology, innovations &inventions
Education and Academic affairs
Legal Affairs
Culture, Ethics and Leadership.
The movement is led by an Executive council of five members under a Secretary General, who is the chief coordinator of the movement and has authority to represent the movement officially.
He/she may however bequeath or assign the role of representation to any other of the Executive Council Members.
The top decision making is made by the executive council members by consensus or majority decision where applicable.
The Executive committee consists of 3-5 members, varying depending on circumstances.
After that, we have the portfolio secretaries. These lead the portfolios aforementioned. Each secretary shall be assisted by a committee approved by the executive council. These committees do the work as assigned in their respective portfolios.
The New Era looks forward to expand the scope of its administrative structures, where resources allow.
Thanks for building the spirit of Patriotism and high degree democracy on to and against the bad acts of the new nation. As human rights reactivist